For all Your Visual Audio Needs
"where do i put the books there's so many i could read but they all are filled with lies where do i put the lies there's so many i could say but it seems they're in the books"
VAST Music for the People in stores September 12, 2000
Download a track from the new album, listen to it, then go out and buy it.
If you still have not heard the first album Download this mp3. Then, when you are out buying the new album pick up the first one.
Join the E-street team here. Follow this link to help promote VAST. You can receive tickets for helping promote online, and off.
You may need to download the ItalicT font style to properly view this web site. If you do click HERE. You will know, if all the text looks funky.
VAST is an acronym for Visual Audio Sensory Theater. The music does as it says. When I close my eyes the music consumes my mind in such a way that only one other band has, Pink Floyd. Its about time somebody had the balls to release good music. And what's even better is that the second album doesn't sound the same as the first. He is not afraid to experiment with the music. This is what the music is missing today. Lets just hope that he does not succumb to the evil beast that keeps taking all of our good bands away, MAINSTREAM
And for those of you that do not have the ability to do that or you want a very cool screensaver/winamp plug in to help with mind consumption, click below to download GEISS. If you do not have Winamp you can get it below.
Make sure you check out Acidlines. It is a very cool site.
Make sure you check out Acidlines. It is a very cool site.
Two interviews from Rolling Stones magazine.
"People usually think that drums and bass create the groove," he says. "But if you listen to 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' by U2, or any of the early Beatles tunes, it's the guitar that keeps the song chugging along. In rock and roll, the groove should always come from the guitar. That's why I don't like the punk-style distorted sound - you can't hear any syncopation, and the rhythm is defined by the drums." -John Crosby
This site will continually be changing, but I will need you help. I need your feedback on things I can add to make this site more enjoyable for VAST fans, you. I want this site to be built by all of us. If you have pictures (especially live pictures), reviews, stories, or you just want to tell me what you feel when you listen to this music. -Thank You
E-Mail me at vastheater@spacetech.20m.COM
Website design by SpaceTech
All music are property of VAST and all associated company's. Sale of any mp3 is prohibited.